
ECE 385 CA Documentation and Resources #

Search is a bit buggy at the moment - we’re working on it!

This is a resource that is constantly being updated and revised. As such, there may be mistakes in these pages. If something you do after using it here isn’t working, please make a cursory google search to crosscheck whatever it is you did before flagging down a CA.

Why does this exist? #

Until now, the main way that students have learned SystemVerilog and verification skills has been through some lecture slides and using the LRM. By creating a centralized resource, we hope to reduce the number of times you have to ask “hey, where’d this snippet come from?”.

Who made this? #

As the header implies, this website was made solely by current/past ECE 385 CAs on their own time. If you’d like to help contribute to this resource, feel free to submit pull requests to this repository.